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Zonnig en droog weekend KNMI : 03-06-2023

Zonnig en droog weekend Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. vanochtend is het zonnig. De wind komt uit het noordoosten en is zwak tot matig.vanmiddag is het zonnig. De wind komt boven land uit het noordoosten en is overwegend matig. Landinwaarts wordt het rond 22°C, Aan de westkust en boven het IJsselmeer waait een vrij krachtige wind uit het noorden, hierdoor blijft langs de kust de temperatuur iets achter.vanavond is het zonnig en de wind uit het noordoosten is boven land matig, aan de westkust vrij krachtig en in het zuidwestelijk kustgebied mogelijk krachtig, windkracht 6.Komende… Lees verder »Zonnig en droog weekend KNMI : 03-06-2023

Report: Valencia-based Jeff, which provides a frontend app and other tools to manage businesses, filed for bankruptcy in May after failing to close a €90M round (Dan Taylor/ 02-06-2023

Dan Taylor / Report: Valencia-based Jeff, which provides a frontend app and other tools to manage businesses, filed for bankruptcy in May after failing to close a €90M round  —  After numerous lawsuits in Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, and Spain, losses close to €65 million, and a €90 million funding round … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Vimeo plans to end support for its TV apps on June 27, 2023, saying video-casting will give customers a “better ongoing experience” (Todd Spangler/Variety) 03-06-2023

Todd Spangler / Variety: Vimeo plans to end support for its TV apps on June 27, 2023, saying video-casting will give customers a “better ongoing experience”  —  Vimeo is ending support for its existing TV apps — with the video management and hosting provider telling customers they’ll have a … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Sources: telecom ministers from 18 EU countries either rejected or criticized a push by European telcos to force Big Tech to help fund 5G and broadband rollout (Foo Yun Chee/Reuters) 03-06-2023

Foo Yun Chee / Reuters: Sources: telecom ministers from 18 EU countries either rejected or criticized a push by European telcos to force Big Tech to help fund 5G and broadband rollout  —  A majority of EU countries have rejected a push by Europe’s big telecoms operators to force Big Tech to help fund the rollout … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Report: Valencia-based Jeff, which provides a frontend app and other tools to manage businesses, filed for bankruptcy in May after failing to close a €90M round (Dan Taylor/ 02-06-2023

Dan Taylor / Report: Valencia-based Jeff, which provides a frontend app and other tools to manage businesses, filed for bankruptcy in May after failing to close a €90M round  —  After numerous lawsuits in Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, and Spain, losses close to €65 million, and a €90 million funding round … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Report: Valencia-based Jeff, which provides a frontend app and other tools to manage businesses, filed for bankruptcy in May after failing to close a €90M round (Dan Taylor/ 02-06-2023

Dan Taylor / Report: Valencia-based Jeff, which provides a frontend app and other tools to manage businesses, filed for bankruptcy in May after failing to close a €90M round  —  After numerous lawsuits in Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, and Spain, losses close to €65 million, and a €90 million funding round … Lees verder op Tech Meme