Lip Readers Decode Celebrity Conversations 14-06-2023
There are millions of views to be had for those who can decode the caught-on-camera conversations of royal family members, Taylor Swift, and Ben and Jennifer Affleck.Lees verder op New York Times
There are millions of views to be had for those who can decode the caught-on-camera conversations of royal family members, Taylor Swift, and Ben and Jennifer Affleck.Lees verder op New York Times
08:43 Het kabinet van Vlaams minister van Mobiliteit Lydia Peeters (Open Vld) zegt in Het Laatste Nieuws op de hoogte te zijn van smeergeldpraktijken bij de autokeuringscentra.Lees verder op De Tijd
10:20 De regeringspartijen PS en MR leggen een alternatief voor het rijbewijs met punten op tafel. Nochtans staat de invoering daarvan in het regeerakkoord. Vooruit is verontwaardigd. ‘Dit is zeer cynische …Lees verder op De Tijd
Dan Goodin / Ars Technica: Researchers steal encryption keys stored in smart cards and smartphones by video recording the devices’ power LEDs, with some significant real-world limitations — Key-leaking side channels are a fact of life. Now they can be done by video-recording power LEDs. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Gina Kolata / New York Times: Some US doctors are using ChatGPT to communicate more empathetically with patients, including when breaking bad news and explaining medical recommendations — Despite the drawbacks of turning to artificial intelligence in medicine, some physicians find that ChatGPT improves their ability to communicate empathetically with patients. Lees verder op Tech Meme
You’ll be hard-pressed to find better earbuds for your Apple device than some AirPods.Lees verder op Cnet
A growing number of dirt-cheap true wireless earbuds are now available. Here are the current best of the bunch that CNET experts have tested.Lees verder op Cnet
08:43 Het kabinet van Vlaams minister van Mobiliteit Lydia Peeters (Open Vld) zegt in Het Laatste Nieuws op de hoogte te zijn van smeergeldpraktijken bij de autokeuringscentra.Lees verder op De Tijd
Financial Times: The EU is funding Huawei to run 11 projects, ranging from AI and 6G to cloud computing, despite several EU nations banning the firm from their telecom networks — Number of sensitive Horizon Europe research programmes include communications company facing range of curbs Lees verder op Tech Meme
Dan Goodin / Ars Technica: Researchers devise how to steal the encryption keys in smart cards and smartphones by video recording the devices’ power LEDs, with some real-world limitations — Key-leaking side channels are a fact of life. Now they can be done by video-recording power LEDs. Lees verder op Tech Meme