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Researchers claim their model can detect academic writing from ChatGPT with 99%+ accuracy at the document level and 92% accuracy at the paragraph level (Thomas Germain/Gizmodo) 11-06-2023

Thomas Germain / Gizmodo: Researchers claim their model can detect academic writing from ChatGPT with 99%+ accuracy at the document level and 92% accuracy at the paragraph level  —  Researchers say their algorithm can detect scientific writing by robots with surprising accuracy.  —  Scientists from the University … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Germany's finance minister said there is no money in the budget to meet Intel's demand for €10B in subsidies for its €17B plant in Magdeburg, Germany (Guy Chazan/Financial Times) 11-06-2023

Guy Chazan / Financial Times: Germany’s finance minister said there is no money in the budget to meet Intel’s demand for €10B in subsidies for its €17B plant in Magdeburg, Germany  —  Christian Lindner’s refusal to meet US chipmaker’s financial demands causes split within government Lees verder op Tech Meme

Reddark: over 200 subreddits have gone dark in protest after Reddit CEO Steve Huffman's recent remarks on API changes in an AMA, and thousands plan to follow (Wes Davis/The Verge) 11-06-2023

Wes Davis / The Verge: Reddark: over 200 subreddits have gone dark in protest after Reddit CEO Steve Huffman’s recent remarks on API changes in an AMA, and thousands plan to follow  —  The version of Reddit we’ll see over the next few days may be a shell of itself.  Hundreds of subreddits have pledged to go dark, with thousands more planning to follow. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Zondag en maandag overdag zeer warm KNMI : 11-06-2023

Zondag en maandag overdag zeer warm Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vannacht is het droog. De minimumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van ca. 14°C in het noorden tot 19°C plaatselijk in het zuiden. De wind komt uit oost tot noordoost en is zwak tot matig. Vanochtend is het zonnig. Het blijft droog. De wind draait naar oost tot zuidoost en is matig.Vanmiddag is er veel zon, maar ontstaat er ook wat bewolking. In het uiterste zuidwesten is zeer plaatselijk een bui mogelijk. De middagtemperatuur ligt tussen 30°C in het noorden en 32°C in het zuiden. Op de… Lees verder »Zondag en maandag overdag zeer warm KNMI : 11-06-2023

Sources: Twitter is refusing to pay its Google Cloud bills as its contract ends on June 30, and is now planning to move off the platform altogether (Platformer) 11-06-2023

Platformer: Sources: Twitter is refusing to pay its Google Cloud bills as its contract ends on June 30, and is now planning to move off the platform altogether  —  Musk won’t pay his Google Cloud bill — and the company’s trust and safety systems are hanging in the balance Lees verder op Tech Meme

In a test, researchers find that 90%+ of 1,008 jokes generated by GPT-3.5 were not new but rather the same 25 jokes likely learned during the model's training (Benj Edwards/Ars Technica) 11-06-2023

Benj Edwards / Ars Technica: In a test, researchers find that 90%+ of 1,008 jokes generated by GPT-3.5 were not new but rather the same 25 jokes likely learned during the model’s training  —  When tested, “Over 90% of 1,008 generated jokes were the same 25 jokes.”  —  On Wednesday, two German researchers … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Best Printer for 2023 – CNET 11-06-2023

From home office printers to printers for an entire department, we’ve tested the best printers on the market. Find the perfect printer for your needs today!Lees verder op Cnet