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Zonnig en warm KNMI : 16-06-2023

Zonnig en warm Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanavond blijft het droog. Er staat een zwakke tot matige wind uit een noordelijke richting. Komende nacht blijft het droog. In het noorden en noordoosten kan plaatselijk mist ontstaan. De minimumtemperatuur ligt tussen 8°C in het noorden en 14°C langs de zuidwestkust. Er is weinig wind, in het Waddengebied is de wind matig en komt uit het noordwesten. Morgenochtend is het overwegend zonnig, hoewel de ochtend in het noorden en noordoosten misschien plaatselijk grijs begint met mist. Er staat weinig wind.Morgenmiddag is er veel zon. Op de… Lees verder »Zonnig en warm KNMI : 16-06-2023

Reddit says that 80% of the site's top subreddits are currently open; Reddark estimates that 4K+ subreddits are limiting access, down from almost 9K on June 12 (Anne VanderMey/Bloomberg) 16-06-2023

Anne VanderMey / Bloomberg: Reddit says that 80% of the site’s top subreddits are currently open; Reddark estimates that 4K+ subreddits are limiting access, down from almost 9K on June 12  —  Reddit Inc. said that most of the company’s communities were operating as normal — four days after a protest that shut … Lees verder op Tech Meme

A “Reddit API Fact Sheet” says the company does not plan to “unilaterally” reopen subreddits; Reddit's rules may let the platform replace protesting moderators (Sean Hollister/The Verge) 16-06-2023

Sean Hollister / The Verge: A “Reddit API Fact Sheet” says the company does not plan to “unilaterally” reopen subreddits; Reddit’s rules may let the platform replace protesting moderators  —  “We are not shutting down discussions or unilaterally reopening communities,” reads a line from a … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Stack Overflow removed gender and race questions from its 2023 user survey, citing privacy concerns, after its 2022 survey found that 92% of its users were men (Chris Stokel-Walker/Wired) 16-06-2023

Chris Stokel-Walker / Wired: Stack Overflow removed gender and race questions from its 2023 user survey, citing privacy concerns, after its 2022 survey found that 92% of its users were men  —  The coding hub’s 2022 survey found that 92 percent of its users were men.  This time around it simply dropped the question. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Filing: Tiger Global raised just $2B+ for a fund targeting $6B after eight months; US venture firms raised nearly $12B in Q1, down 73% YoY (Financial Times) 16-06-2023

Financial Times: Filing: Tiger Global raised just $2B+ for a fund targeting $6B after eight months; US venture firms raised nearly $12B in Q1, down 73% YoY  —  Group has raised just over $2bn for a vehicle targeting $6bn amid scepticism over tech valuations  —  Tiger Global is falling short in its latest attempt … Lees verder op Tech Meme

France probes Binance over alleged illegal digital asset services and poor money laundering checks; Binance exits the Netherlands after failing to get a license (CoinDesk) 16-06-2023

CoinDesk: France probes Binance over alleged illegal digital asset services and poor money laundering checks; Binance exits the Netherlands after failing to get a license  —  Binance is suspected of illegally providing digital asset services to local customers, and implementing poor money laundering checks … Lees verder op Tech Meme

NY AG's documents: Tether once counted Chinese companies' securities among its reserves; in July 2022, Tether claimed not to be holding Chinese commercial paper (Bloomberg) 16-06-2023

Bloomberg: NY AG’s documents: Tether once counted Chinese companies’ securities among its reserves; in July 2022, Tether claimed not to be holding Chinese commercial paper  —  Tether Holdings Ltd. once counted securities issued by Chinese companies among the reserves backing its USDT stablecoin … Lees verder op Tech Meme