Best Speakerphone in 2023 for Working From Home – CNET 11-06-2023
Do you make conference calls using Zoom, Microsoft Teams or another platform? Try a compact speakerphone to improve the audio experience in your home office.Lees verder op Cnet
Do you make conference calls using Zoom, Microsoft Teams or another platform? Try a compact speakerphone to improve the audio experience in your home office.Lees verder op Cnet
Monitor your home while you’re away by using the best indoor camera for the job.Lees verder op Cnet
Guy Chazan / Financial Times: Germany’s finance minister says there is no money in the country’s budget to meet Intel’s demand for €10B in subsidies for its €17B plant in Magdeburg, Germany — Christian Lindner’s refusal to meet US chipmaker’s financial demands causes split within government Lees verder op Tech Meme
Sarah Kessler / New York Times: Researchers studying technological change and employment can’t agree on how many jobs AI will affect, but hope that their methodology is directionally correct — The tally of how many jobs will be “affected by” world-changing technology is different depending on who you ask. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Warm en zonnig zomerweer Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanavond is het op de meeste plaatsen droog, alleen in het (uiterste) zuidwesten komt een enkele bui voor. Aan het einde van de avond is het op veel plaatsen nog ruim boven de 20°C. Er staat een overwegend matige oostenwind. Vannacht is het droog. De minimumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van 14°C in het noordoosten tot 19°C in het zuidwesten. Er staat een zwakke tot matige wind uit het oosten. Morgenochtend schijnt de zon volop en blijft het droog. De wind is matig en komt uit het oosten.Morgenmiddag… Lees verder »Warm en zonnig zomerweer KNMI : 11-06-2023
Guy Chazan / Financial Times: Germany’s finance minister says there is no money in the country’s budget to meet Intel’s demand for €10B in subsidies for its €17B plant in Magdeburg, Germany — Christian Lindner’s refusal to meet US chipmaker’s financial demands causes split within government Lees verder op Tech Meme
Roku works with other brands to produce Roku TVs but also now makes its own. Here are the best Roku-branded TVs you can get.Lees verder op Cnet
Guy Chazan / Financial Times: Germany’s finance minister says there is no money in the country’s budget to meet Intel’s demand for €10B in subsidies for its €17B plant in Magdeburg, Germany — Christian Lindner’s refusal to meet US chipmaker’s financial demands causes split within government Lees verder op Tech Meme
Guy Chazan / Financial Times: Germany’s finance minister says there is no money in the country’s budget to meet Intel’s demand for €10B in subsidies for its €17B plant in Magdeburg, Germany — Christian Lindner’s refusal to meet US chipmaker’s financial demands causes split within government Lees verder op Tech Meme
Mia Sato / The Verge: How science fiction and fantasy publishers are dealing with AI tools’ role in the industry and with the trust crisis due to AI-generated content becoming common — Science fiction and fantasy authors are struggling with AI-generated media — and formulating strategies to deal with it. Lees verder op Tech Meme