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The founders of Three Arrows Capital spent the past year surfing, meditating, and traveling after their crypto hedge fund collapsed, while refusing to apologize (David Yaffe-Bellany/New York Times) 10-06-2023

David Yaffe-Bellany / New York Times: The founders of Three Arrows Capital spent the past year surfing, meditating, and traveling after their crypto hedge fund collapsed, while refusing to apologize  —  The implosion of Three Arrows Capital, a cryptocurrency hedge fund, devastated the industry. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Google SVP Hiroshi Lockheimer says AT&T's default Android messaging will now use the Jibe platform, “so their users will get the latest RCS features instantly” (David Lumb/CNET) 10-06-2023

David Lumb / CNET: Google SVP Hiroshi Lockheimer says AT&T’s default Android messaging will now use the Jibe platform, “so their users will get the latest RCS features instantly”  —  The carrier is the first to get advanced text message features from Google’s platform, rather than just using its Messages app. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Zonnig en zeer warm weekend KNMI : 10-06-2023

Zonnig en zeer warm weekend Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vannacht is het droog. De minimumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van 12°C in het noorden tot 18°C in het zuidwesten De wind is oostelijk en zwak tot matig. Vanochtend schijnt de zon volop. De oostenwind wordt overal matig.Vanmiddag is het zonnig. In de loop van de middag ontstaat er in het zuiden wat bewolking maar het blijft droog. De maximumtemperatuur ligt tussen 28 en 32°C, met de hoogste temperatuur in het zuiden. Alleen in het noordelijk kustgebied is het met ca. 22°C beduidend koeler. De wind is… Lees verder »Zonnig en zeer warm weekend KNMI : 10-06-2023

Nansen and Glassnode: Binance, Binance.US, and Coinbase saw a combined net outflow of $3.1B via Ethereum and $864M in BTC from June 5-June 8, amid SEC lawsuits (Krisztian Sandor/CoinDesk) 10-06-2023

Krisztian Sandor / CoinDesk: Nansen and Glassnode: Binance, Binance.US, and Coinbase saw a combined net outflow of $3.1B via Ethereum and $864M in BTC from June 5-June 8, amid SEC lawsuits  —  The exchanges, targeted by the SEC for violating federal securities laws, have suffered a significant wave of user withdrawals … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Microsoft adds voice mode to Bing Chat on desktop, letting users ask questions using their voice in English, Japanese, French, German, and Mandarin (Emma Roth/The Verge) 10-06-2023

Emma Roth / The Verge: Microsoft adds voice mode to Bing Chat on desktop, letting users ask questions using their voice in English, Japanese, French, German, and Mandarin  —  Microsoft is bringing Bing’s voice mode to Edge on desktop.  With this latest update, you can now ask Bing’s chatbot questions using your voice … Lees verder op Tech Meme