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Zonnig, in het zuidoosten meer bewolking en kleine kans op een (onweers)bui KNMI : 07-06-2023

Zonnig, in het zuidoosten meer bewolking en kleine kans op een (onweers)bui Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanavond is het in het oosten en zuidoosten half tot zwaar bewolkt en is daar een enkele bui mogelijk. Elders zijn er brede opklaringen, hoewel ook in het noorden wat meer bewolking voorkomt. De wind komt uit noord tot noordoost en meest matig, langs de zuidwestkust en op het IJsselmeer eerst nog vrij krachtig. Vannacht is het droog. De temperatuur daalt naar 8°C in het noordoosten tot 15°C in het zuidoosten. De noordoostenwind is zwak tot matig. Morgenochtend… Lees verder »Zonnig, in het zuidoosten meer bewolking en kleine kans op een (onweers)bui KNMI : 07-06-2023

Google updates Bard with improvements to mathematical tasks, coding questions, and string manipulation via a technique that lets Bard run code in the background (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch) 07-06-2023

Kyle Wiggers / TechCrunch: Google updates Bard with improvements to mathematical tasks, coding questions, and string manipulation via a technique that lets Bard run code in the background  —  Bard, Google’s beleaguered AI-powered chatbot, is slowly improving at tasks involving logic and reasoning. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Pornhub shows a video message on its page for visitors in Virginia, Mississippi, and Arkansas, asking people to oppose new age verification laws in those states (Ashley Belanger/Ars Technica) 07-06-2023

Ashley Belanger / Ars Technica: Pornhub shows a video message on its page for visitors in Virginia, Mississippi, and Arkansas, asking people to oppose new age verification laws in those states  —  Pornhub wants to punt privacy concerns of age verification to Big Tech.  —  Starting today, Pornhub visitors in Virginia … Lees verder op Tech Meme

GameStop fires CEO Matt Furlong two years after hiring him and appoints chairman and majority shareholder Ryan Cohen as its executive chairman; GME drops 15%+ (Samrhitha Arunasalam/Reuters) 07-06-2023

Samrhitha Arunasalam / Reuters: GameStop fires CEO Matt Furlong two years after hiring him and appoints chairman and majority shareholder Ryan Cohen as its executive chairman; GME drops 15%+  —  June 7 (Reuters) – GameStop (GME.N) fired CEO Matt Furlong two years after hiring him and appointed billionaire Ryan Cohen as executive chairman … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Contextual AI, which is building the next generation of LLMs for enterprise use-cases, emerges from stealth with a $20M seed led by Bain Capital Ventures (Kyle Wiggers/TechCrunch) 07-06-2023

Kyle Wiggers / TechCrunch: Contextual AI, which is building the next generation of LLMs for enterprise use-cases, emerges from stealth with a $20M seed led by Bain Capital Ventures  —  Large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s GPT-4 are powerful, paradigm-shifting tools that promise to upend industries. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Meta plans to update its account center to give users more control over its cross-site tracking and profiling, ahead of a German antitrust ruling set for July 4 (Natasha Lomas/TechCrunch) 07-06-2023

Natasha Lomas / TechCrunch: Meta plans to update its account center to give users more control over its cross-site tracking and profiling, ahead of a German antitrust ruling set for July 4  —  Meta has been dragged kicking and screaming into another notable privacy concession in Europe: The German Federal Cartel Office … Lees verder op Tech Meme