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Microsoft releases Windows 10 Snip & Sketch and Windows 11 Snipping Tool updates to fix the “aCropalypse” bug used to reveal info edited out in some screenshots (Lawrence Abrams/BleepingComputer) 26-03-2023

Lawrence Abrams / BleepingComputer: Microsoft releases Windows 10 Snip & Sketch and Windows 11 Snipping Tool updates to fix the “aCropalypse” bug used to reveal info edited out in some screenshots  —  Microsoft released an emergency security update for the Windows 10 and Windows 11 Snipping tool to fix the Acropalypse privacy vulnerability. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Databricks open sources Dolly, an LLM that the company says can be trained in less than three hours on one machine and is a clone of Stanford's Alpaca model (Mike Wheatley/SiliconANGLE) 25-03-2023

Mike Wheatley / SiliconANGLE: Databricks open sources Dolly, an LLM that the company says can be trained in less than three hours on one machine and is a clone of Stanford’s Alpaca model  —  Big-data analytics firm Databricks Inc. has emerged as an unlikely player in the generative artificial intelligence space … Lees verder op Tech Meme

A March 15 affidavit shows how the FBI arrested Conor Fitzpatrick, aka Pompompurin, the alleged BreachForums admin; the DOJ caused the forum “to go offline” (Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai/TechCrunch) 25-03-2023

Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai / TechCrunch: A March 15 affidavit shows how the FBI arrested Conor Fitzpatrick, aka Pompompurin, the alleged BreachForums admin; the DOJ caused the forum “to go offline”  —  The Justice Department also said it conducted a “disruption operation” that caused BreachForums to go offline. Lees verder op Tech Meme

An AI chatbots comparison test finds ChatGPT is the most verbally dextrous, Bing is best for getting information from the web, and Bard is surprisingly limited (The Verge) 25-03-2023

The Verge: An AI chatbots comparison test finds ChatGPT is the most verbally dextrous, Bing is best for getting information from the web, and Bard is surprisingly limited  —  The web is full of chattering bots, but which is the most useful and for what?  We compare Bard, Bing, and ChatGPT. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Email: Twitter offers four-year equity grants to staff, on top of legacy equity, that will start to vest after six months and plans a liquidity event in a year (Alexa Corse/Wall Street Journal) 25-03-2023

Alexa Corse / Wall Street Journal: Email: Twitter offers four-year equity grants to staff, on top of legacy equity, that will start to vest after six months and plans a liquidity event in a year  —  New stock will start to vest after six months, according to an email  —  Twitter Inc. is offering new equity grants to staff … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Replika restores erotic roleplay for users who signed up before February 1, after complaints from some who considered themselves “married” to chatbot companions (Anna Tong/Reuters) 26-03-2023

Anna Tong / Reuters: Replika restores erotic roleplay for users who signed up before February 1, after complaints from some who considered themselves “married” to chatbot companions  —  AI chatbot company Replika is restoring erotic roleplay for some users, Replika CEO Eugenia Kuyda said late on Friday. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Morgen in de zuidelijke helft regen KNMI : 25-03-2023

Morgen in de zuidelijke helft regen Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Komende nacht komt er in het zuiden eerst nog een enkele bui voor. Later gaat het in het zuiden regenen. In het noorden kan het plaatselijk afkoelen tot een graad of 2°C, in het zuiden wordt het niet kouder dan 6 a 7°C. Er staat weinig wind. In het noordelijk kustgebied staat eerst nog een matige westenwind. Zondagochtend is het in de zuidelijke helft bewolkt en regent het. In het noorden is het droog met zonnige perioden. De wind draait naar oost en wordt matig, aan de kust vrij… Lees verder »Morgen in de zuidelijke helft regen KNMI : 25-03-2023