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An investigation finds US homeowners associations teaming up with police to install Flock Safety's license plate surveillance cameras, without telling residents (Georgia Gee/The Intercept) 25-03-2023

Georgia Gee / The Intercept: An investigation finds US homeowners associations teaming up with police to install Flock Safety’s license plate surveillance cameras, without telling residents  —  At a city council meeting in June 2021, Mayor Thomas Kilgore, of Lakeway, Texas, made an announcement that confused his community. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Sources: Microsoft threatens to cut rivals' Bing search index access if they use it for their AI chat tools and warns at least two customers of violating terms (Bloomberg) 25-03-2023

Bloomberg: Sources: Microsoft threatens to cut rivals’ Bing search index access if they use it for their AI chat tools and warns at least two customers of violating terms  —  Microsoft Corp. has threatened to cut off access to its internet-search data, which it licenses to rival search engines … Lees verder op Tech Meme

A TikTok ban would have to satisfy the most stringent form of First Amendment review as the ban would operate as a prior restraint on speech of would-be users (Jameel Jaffer/New York Times) 25-03-2023

Jameel Jaffer / New York Times: A TikTok ban would have to satisfy the most stringent form of First Amendment review as the ban would operate as a prior restraint on speech of would-be users  —  The First Amendment has so far played only a bit part in the debate about banning TikTok.  This may change. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Wisselvallig met buien en veel wind, zondag in het noorden droog en zon KNMI : 25-03-2023

Wisselvallig met buien en veel wind, zondag in het noorden droog en zon Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Vanmiddag in de kustprovincies kans op zware windstoten (code geel). Vannacht trekken er buien van west naar oost over het land. De minimumtemperatuur ligt rond 8°C. De wind komt uit het zuidwesten is matig tot vrij krachtig, Aan zee is de wind krachtig tot hard, windkracht 6 tot 7. Vanochtend vroeg trekken de meeste buien naar het oosten weg, maar in de tweede helft van de ochtend ontstaan er vooral landinwaarts weer nieuwe buien. De wind uit het zuidwesten is overwegend… Lees verder »Wisselvallig met buien en veel wind, zondag in het noorden droog en zon KNMI : 25-03-2023