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Neeva, co-founded by ex-Google executive Sridhar Ramaswamy, plans to shut down its ad-free search engine, citing a “vastly changed search environment” and more (Neeva) 20-05-2023

Neeva: Neeva, co-founded by ex-Google executive Sridhar Ramaswamy, plans to shut down its ad-free search engine, citing a “vastly changed search environment” and more  —  We started Neeva with the mission to take search back to its users.  Having worked on search and search ads for over a decade … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Zondagavond in het oosten kans op onweersbuien met plaatselijk veel regen KNMI : 20-05-2023

Zondagavond in het oosten kans op onweersbuien met plaatselijk veel regen Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Vanaf zondagavond in het (zuid)oosten en noorden kans op stevige onweersbuien, code geel. Vanavond is het eerst half tot zwaar bewolkt. De wind komt uit het noordoosten en is matig, aan zee en op het IJsselmeer vrij krachtig. Komende nacht komen er in het noorden en oosten enkele buien voor. De minimumtemperatuur ligt rond 12°C. Het waait matig uit het noordoosten. Morgenochtend zijn er perioden met zon en is er in het noordoosten kans op een bui. De wind komt uit het noordoosten… Lees verder »Zondagavond in het oosten kans op onweersbuien met plaatselijk veel regen KNMI : 20-05-2023

How crypto hunters help those going through divorce find their spouse's hidden crypto stashes, following the trail of tokens as they “hop” across blockchains (MacKenzie Sigalos/CNBC) 20-05-2023

MacKenzie Sigalos / CNBC: How crypto hunters help those going through divorce find their spouse’s hidden crypto stashes, following the trail of tokens as they “hop” across blockchains  —  – Financial infidelity has become increasingly sophisticated, as investors “hop” coins across blockchains and sink their cash into metaverse properties. Lees verder op Tech Meme

China's State Administration approves Microsoft's $69B acquisition of Activision Blizzard, joining a total of 37 regulators globally, including the EU and Japan (Rebekah Valentine/IGN) 20-05-2023

Rebekah Valentine / IGN: China’s State Administration approves Microsoft’s $69B acquisition of Activision Blizzard, joining a total of 37 regulators globally, including the EU and Japan  —  Thirty-seven total regulators have voiced approval thus far.  —  China’s State Administration has approved Microsoft’s attempted … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Unable to turn a profit amid a fall in views, some US esports organizations are laying off staff, ending player contracts, or even selling their teams at a loss (Kellen Browning/New York Times) 20-05-2023

Kellen Browning / New York Times: Unable to turn a profit amid a fall in views, some US esports organizations are laying off staff, ending player contracts, or even selling their teams at a loss  —  At least two organizations in America’s most prominent league for professional video game players are selling their teams, underscoring the industry’s uncertain future. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Neeva, founded by ex-Google executive Sridhar Ramaswamy, plans to shut down its ad-free search engine, citing a “vastly changed search environment” and more (Neeva) 20-05-2023

Neeva: Neeva, founded by ex-Google executive Sridhar Ramaswamy, plans to shut down its ad-free search engine, citing a “vastly changed search environment” and more  —  We started Neeva with the mission to take search back to its users.  Having worked on search and search ads for over a decade … Lees verder op Tech Meme