I Rode the World’s First Autonomous Public Bus Service – CNET 15-05-2023
Scotland is leading the way in autonomous buses, and I took a ride on one to find out more.Lees verder op Cnet
Scotland is leading the way in autonomous buses, and I took a ride on one to find out more.Lees verder op Cnet
What do you give the dad who’s a builder and creator? Cool gear, of course.Lees verder op Cnet
Hint: It’s sleeping more.Lees verder op Cnet
Over-the-counter hearing aids mean you have more options than ever. Here’s how to find the perfect pair.Lees verder op Cnet
Lees verder op Howto Geek
Lees verder op Howto Geek
Lees verder op Howto Geek
13:47 Zo’n 72 procent van de Belgische Turken stemde in de eerste ronde voor de zittende president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Met het hoogste aantal in Europa blijft Erdogan razend populair in België.Lees verder op De Tijd
Emily Nicolle / Bloomberg: A survey of 60 major crypto companies in Q1 on the state of governance and controls finds many operate outside the norm; around half engage an external auditor — Before it filed for bankruptcy last November, many of the entities in Sam Bankman-Fried’s colossal FTX empire had never held a board meeting. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Jared Newman / Fast Company: Pluto TV co-founder Ilya Pozin’s Telly opens a waitlist to give away 500,000 55-inch 4K HDR TVs in 2023 with a second screen that constantly shows ads — Would you take a free TV if it constantly ran banner ads beneath everything you watched? — That’s the proposition for Telly … Lees verder op Tech Meme