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German police, Europol, the FBI, and Ukrainian police disrupt a ransomware gang that deployed DoppelPaymer; Europol says US victims paid €40M+ from 2019 to 2021 (Associated Press) 06-03-2023

Associated Press: German police, Europol, the FBI, and Ukrainian police disrupt a ransomware gang that deployed DoppelPaymer; Europol says US victims paid €40M+ from 2019 to 2021  —  German police said Monday that they have disrupted an international cybercrime gang which has been blackmailing large companies … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Veel bewolking en van het westen uit regen. Morgen regen en natte sneeuw KNMI : 06-03-2023

Veel bewolking en van het westen uit regen. Morgen regen en natte sneeuw Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanavond regent het af en toe. De wind komt uit zuidwest en neemt toe naar matig boven land en naar (vrij) krachtig aan zee en op het IJsselmeer. Komende nacht regent het vooral in de zuidelijke helft van het land langdurig. In het noorden wordt het droog. De minimumtemperatuur ligt rond 3°C. De wind draait naar west en is boven land matig, aan zee en op het IJsselmeer vrij krachtig tot krachtig. In het oostelijke Waddengebied kan… Lees verder »Veel bewolking en van het westen uit regen. Morgen regen en natte sneeuw KNMI : 06-03-2023

Abu Dhabi-based data analytics startup Presight AI, owned by AI and cloud computing company G42, plans to raise $495M at a $2.04B valuation in a March 13 IPO (Shaji Mathew/Bloomberg) 06-03-2023

Shaji Mathew / Bloomberg: Abu Dhabi-based data analytics startup Presight AI, owned by AI and cloud computing company G42, plans to raise $495M at a $2.04B valuation in a March 13 IPO  —  Presight AI Holding Plc, a data analytics firm owned by Abu Dhabi’s G42, plans to raise $495 million from an initial public offering … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Sources: ~20 leaders left Clubhouse over the past year or so, including hires from Meta and Google; Clubhouse says the startup continues to add “top talent” (Kaya Yurieff/The Information) 06-03-2023

Kaya Yurieff / The Information: Sources: ~20 leaders left Clubhouse over the past year or so, including hires from Meta and Google; Clubhouse says the startup continues to add “top talent”  —  Roughly 20 leaders have departed Clubhouse over the past year or so, including many of the notable hires … Lees verder op Tech Meme

German police, Europol, FBI, and Ukrainian authorities disrupt a ransomware gang that deployed DoppelPaymer; Europol says US victims paid out €40M+ in 2019-2021 (Associated Press) 06-03-2023

Associated Press: German police, Europol, FBI, and Ukrainian authorities disrupt a ransomware gang that deployed DoppelPaymer; Europol says US victims paid out €40M+ in 2019-2021  —  German police said Monday that they have disrupted an international cybercrime gang which has been blackmailing large companies … Lees verder op Tech Meme