How to Fix When Wi-Fi Keeps Disconnecting on Windows 11 09-05-2023
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Lees verder op Howto Geek
Bewolkt. Vanavond regen, morgen vooral in de zuidelijke helft buien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanavond is het bewolkt en regent het eerst in het hele land. In het zuidwesten wordt het in de loop van de avond droger. De wind uit zuidelijke richtingen wordt matig, langs de kust en op het IJsselmeer soms vrij krachtig. Komende nacht trekt de meeste regen naar het noordoosten weg en volgen er nog enkele buien. De minimumtemperatuur ligt rond 11°C. De wind komt uit richtingen tussen zuid en west en is overwegend matig. Morgenochtend is het zwaar bewolkt.… Lees verder »Bewolkt. Vanavond regen, morgen vooral in de zuidelijke helft buien KNMI : 09-05-2023
James Vincent / The Verge: Meta unveils ImageBind, an open-source AI model combining text, audio, visual, movement, thermal, and depth data, as rivals become more secretive with research — Meta has announced a new open-source AI model that links together multiple streams of data, including text, audio, visual data, temperature, and movement readings. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Kurt Schlosser / GeekWire: Amazon announces Amazon Anywhere to let users of third-party apps buy related real-world items while in the app, launching with Niantic’s new AR game Peridot — The so-called “everything store” is looking to go “anywhere.” — Amazon announced the launch Tuesday of “Amazon Anywhere,” … Lees verder op Tech Meme
Aisha Malik / TechCrunch: Meta tests paying Reels creators based on public Reels’ performance, not ad earnings, and plans to roll out the program to Instagram in the coming weeks — Meta is testing a new payout model for its Ads on Reels monetization program that pays creators based on the performance of their public Reels … Lees verder op Tech Meme
Jody Godoy / Reuters: A US judge sentences ex-Coinbase product manager Ishan Wahi to two years in prison over NFT insider trading; Wahi pleaded guilty to two counts in February — Ishan Wahi, a former Coinbase Global Inc (COIN.O) product manager, was sentenced on Tuesday to two years in prison in what U.S. prosecutors … Lees verder op Tech Meme
You can track your vision between exams with the EyeQue VisionCheck. Here’s how it works.Lees verder op Cnet
The update will likely be released next week.Lees verder op Cnet
As China and the United States jockey for tech primacy, wireless carriers in dozens of states are tearing out Chinese equipment. That has turned into a costly, difficult process.Lees verder op New York Times