Don’t Overlook This When Choosing an Internet Service Provider – CNET 07-05-2023
The cost is important, but you’ll also want to consider the connection type when comparing internet providers.Lees verder op Cnet
The cost is important, but you’ll also want to consider the connection type when comparing internet providers.Lees verder op Cnet
Filipe Espósito / 9to5Mac: In an email, Twitter acknowledges a “security incident” that showed Circle tweets to users outside of the Circle in April 2023 and says the bug has been fixed — Back in April, several Twitter users were affected by a bug that showed private Twitter Circle tweets to random users in the For You tab. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Tom Phillips / The International Olympic Committee adds Fortnite to its Olympic Esports Series competition, which will also feature Just Dance and Gran Turismo — Five years after the IOC criticised shooters. — News by Tom Phillips Editor-in-chief — Fortnite has been named as a late addition … Lees verder op Tech Meme
The King is coming home, but will it be a winning return to Mexico for Canelo against British boxer Ryder?Lees verder op Cnet
The company plans to make its search engine more visual, snackable, personal, and human, says The Wall Street Journal.Lees verder op Cnet
Filipe Espósito / 9to5Mac: In an email, Twitter acknowledges a “security incident” that showed Circle tweets to users outside of the Circle in April 2023 and says the bug has been fixed — Back in April, several Twitter users were affected by a bug that showed private Twitter Circle tweets to random users in the For You tab. Lees verder op Tech Meme
Miles Kruppa / Wall Street Journal: Documents: Google plans to make search more “visual, snackable, personal, and human”, adding more short videos, more social media posts, and AI conversations — Changes aim to respond to queries that can’t be easily answered by traditional ‘10 blue links’ web results Lees verder op Tech Meme
Kylie Robison / Fortune: Bluesky says the social network can’t “accommodate heads of state”, seeking to control its growth during its beta; Bluesky has ~60K users and 1.2M on a waitlist — Bluesky, the buzzy social media platform that’s emerging as a Twitter competitor, said on Friday that it will not allow … Lees verder op Tech Meme
Wolkenvelden en (onweers)buien Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwing: Er zijn geen waarschuwingen.Vanavond zijn er wolkenvelden en trekt er een regengebied noordwaarts over het land. Plaatselijk kan het stevig regenen. Er is weinig wind. Komende nacht komen er nog enkele buien voor. De minimumtemperatuur loopt uiteen van 13°C in het zuidwesten tot 9°C in het noordoosten. In het noordelijk kustgebied en boven het IJsselmeer staat een matige oostenwind, elders is er weinig wind. Morgenochtend raakt het in het zuiden bewolkt en valt er regen. In het noorden schijnt de zon af en toe maar kan er ook een bui voorkomen.… Lees verder »Wolkenvelden en (onweers)buien KNMI : 06-05-2023
Filipe Espósito / 9to5Mac: In an email, Twitter acknowledges a “security incident” that showed Circle tweets to users outside of the Circle in April 2023 and says the bug has been fixed — Back in April, several Twitter users were affected by a bug that showed private Twitter Circle tweets to random users in the For You tab. Lees verder op Tech Meme