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Source: Esther Crawford, who has become one of the most influential leaders at Twitter after Musk's takeover, is out as chief executive of Twitter Payments (Zoë Schiffer/@zoeschiffer) 26-02-2023

Zoë Schiffer / @zoeschiffer: Source: Esther Crawford, who has become one of the most influential leaders at Twitter after Musk’s takeover, is out as chief executive of Twitter Payments  —  Just got confirmation that Esther Crawford, chief executive of Twitter Payments, is out. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Of the 2,000 exhibitors and sponsors at MWC Barcelona, 150 are Chinese companies and Huawei has the biggest presence, expanding its footprint by 50% over 2022 (Kelvin Chan/Associated Press) 27-02-2023

Kelvin Chan / Associated Press: Of the 2,000 exhibitors and sponsors at MWC Barcelona, 150 are Chinese companies and Huawei has the biggest presence, expanding its footprint by 50% over 2022  —  1 of 12  —  A contingent of Chinese companies led by technology giant Huawei is turning the world’s biggest wireless trade fair … Lees verder op Tech Meme

To achieve its chip moonshot, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo says the US must reform its education system and triple graduates in chip-related fields by 2032 (Rana Foroohar/Financial Times) 27-02-2023

Rana Foroohar / Financial Times: To achieve its chip moonshot, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo says the US must reform its education system and triple graduates in chip-related fields by 2032  —  To build a domestic industry, the US must reform how it teaches its workforce  —  In the decade following US President John F … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Zonnig en droog. Morgen meer bewolking en plaatselijk lichte regen KNMI : 27-02-2023

  • knmi

Zonnig en droog. Morgen meer bewolking en plaatselijk lichte regen Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vanmiddag zijn er zonnige perioden en blijft het droog. De temperatuur loopt op naar ca. 7°C. De noordoostenwind is matig.Vanavond zijn er in het noorden wolkenvelden aanwezig, maar het blijft droog. Er is weinig wind, aan zee en op het IJsselmeer staat een matige wind uit het noordoosten. Komende nacht is het grotendeels droog. Aan het einde van de nacht kan er in het oosten wat lichte regen vallen. In het noorden ligt de temperatuur rond het vriespunt, in het… Lees verder »Zonnig en droog. Morgen meer bewolking en plaatselijk lichte regen KNMI : 27-02-2023

Source: Esther Crawford, who has become one of the most influential leaders at Twitter after Musk's takeover, is out as chief executive of Twitter Payments (Zoë Schiffer/@zoeschiffer) 26-02-2023

Zoë Schiffer / @zoeschiffer: Source: Esther Crawford, who has become one of the most influential leaders at Twitter after Musk’s takeover, is out as chief executive of Twitter Payments  —  Just got confirmation that Esther Crawford, chief executive of Twitter Payments, is out. Lees verder op Tech Meme