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Coinbase asks a US federal court to force the SEC to respond to a petition Coinbase filed in July 2022, demanding clearer crypto regulations (André Beganski/Decrypt) 25-04-2023

André Beganski / Decrypt: Coinbase asks a US federal court to force the SEC to respond to a petition Coinbase filed in July 2022, demanding clearer crypto regulations  —  The cryptocurrency exchange filed the petition along with a long list of questions last July. … Coinbase Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal wrote … Lees verder op Tech Meme

As a cottage industry of Chinese scammers target TikTok, three employees say cleaning up fraudulent content has fallen by the wayside amid a push for growth (Financial Times) 25-04-2023

Financial Times: As a cottage industry of Chinese scammers target TikTok, three employees say cleaning up fraudulent content has fallen by the wayside amid a push for growth  —  Parent company ByteDance struggles to police video promoting dubious products such as ‘enzyme’ weight loss coffee Lees verder op Tech Meme

Vandaag een enkele bui, woensdag vrijwel overal droog KNMI : 25-04-2023

Vandaag een enkele bui, woensdag vrijwel overal droog Verwachting voor vandaag en morgen Waarschuwingen Er zijn geen waarschuwingen. Vannacht komt er een enkele bui voor. De minimumtemperatuur ligt rond 4°C. De noordwestenwind is zwak tot matig, aan zee matig tot vrij krachtig. In het oostelijk Waddengebied is de wind af en toe krachtig, windkracht 6. Vanochtend is er af en toe zon met hier en daar een bui. De noordwestenwind is matig, aan zee af en toe vrij krachtig. In het oostelijk Waddengebied is de wind eerst nog krachtig, windkracht 6.Vanmiddag is er af en toe zon maar er trekt… Lees verder »Vandaag een enkele bui, woensdag vrijwel overal droog KNMI : 25-04-2023

Coinbase asks a US federal court to force the SEC to respond to a petition Coinbase filed in July 2022, demanding clearer crypto regulations (André Beganski/Decrypt) 25-04-2023

André Beganski / Decrypt: Coinbase asks a US federal court to force the SEC to respond to a petition Coinbase filed in July 2022, demanding clearer crypto regulations  —  The cryptocurrency exchange filed the petition along with a long list of questions last July. … Coinbase Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal wrote … Lees verder op Tech Meme

With Facebook's pivot away from news and Twitter's decay, media outlets return to digital media's foundational concepts of the early 2000s like homepage traffic (Max Tani/Semafor) 25-04-2023

Max Tani / Semafor: With Facebook’s pivot away from news and Twitter’s decay, media outlets return to digital media’s foundational concepts of the early 2000s like homepage traffic  —  What year is it?  Consider the following:  — The Drudge Report is the biggest political website in the country. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Coinbase asks a US federal court to force the SEC to respond to a petition Coinbase filed in July 2022, demanding clearer crypto regulations (André Beganski/Decrypt) 25-04-2023

André Beganski / Decrypt: Coinbase asks a US federal court to force the SEC to respond to a petition Coinbase filed in July 2022, demanding clearer crypto regulations  —  The cryptocurrency exchange filed the petition along with a long list of questions last July. … Coinbase Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal wrote … Lees verder op Tech Meme

Xerox announces the donation of the Palo Alto Research Center, which it founded in 1970 and established as an independent company in 2002, to SRI International (Xerox Newsroom) 25-04-2023

Xerox Newsroom: Xerox announces the donation of the Palo Alto Research Center, which it founded in 1970 and established as an independent company in 2002, to SRI International  —  PARC researchers to continue developing pioneering technologies while Xerox focuses on core print, digital and IT services to support clients’ hybrid workplace needs. Lees verder op Tech Meme

Coinbase asks a US federal court to force the SEC to respond to a petition Coinbase filed in July 2022, demanding clearer crypto regulations (André Beganski/Decrypt) 25-04-2023

André Beganski / Decrypt: Coinbase asks a US federal court to force the SEC to respond to a petition Coinbase filed in July 2022, demanding clearer crypto regulations  —  The cryptocurrency exchange filed the petition along with a long list of questions last July. … Coinbase Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal wrote … Lees verder op Tech Meme